TB1 Week 8

This week we carried on with the pyramid script  I started again with the code, and I asked people in my class for help  this is the code  they subjected to use 

import maya.cmds as cmds 

def Make_pyramid(height, size):

    if size == 'OK':

        textl= cmds.promptDialog(query=True, text=True)


    i = int(text1)

    for x in range(i):

        cmds.polyCube(width =i, depth =i)

        cmds.move(0, height,0)

        height = height+1

        i = i-1    


def showUI():  

    myWin = cmds.window(title="summoing Winow", widthHeight=(300, 200))


    cmds.button( label='Summon Pyraimd', c = "Make_pyramid(1, cmds.promptDialog( title='input cube amount', message='Amount:',button=['OK', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='1',cancelButton='Cancel',dismissString='Cancel',))")

    cmds.button( label='Close', command=('cmds.deleteUI(\"' + myWin + '\", window=True)') )


this code works slightly  differently then my original script with this code you can set how many cubes the pyramid is with the GUI that is created when you run the script  it does this by asking the user for how many cube they want the sets the with   a variable "text1" this forms how long the loop will  run for, by turning the user input to an integer.